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​miRNA:mRNA interactions in kidney injury:

     Our research delves into the intricate miRNA:mRNA interactions in kidney injury. We aim to determine the specific locations where these interactions occur and how they impact kidney injury.



miRNA-regulated biochemical pathways in kidney injury:

     In our quest to decipher the maladaptive pathways of chronically injured kidneys, we currently focus on miRNA-mediated regulation of amino acid catabolism and its role in the cell death pathway.



​​Extracellular vesicle (EV)-loaded noncoding RNAs in kidney injury:

     The cargo content loaded in EVs reflects the physiological and pathophysiological states of cells. Additionally, through their release from producing cells and uptake by recipient cells, they modulate gene expression in both. We investigate EV-loaded noncoding RNAs in urine, probing their contribution to disease progression.



​Toolbox development for miRNA and EV research:

     We are interested in the development of tools and methodologies for noncoding RNA and EV research. Our goal is to provide the scientific community with valuable resources to facilitate further exploration in these crucial areas of study.

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